AMC Networks International, makers of Breaking Bad, Madmen and The Walking Dead were introducing a global employee survey, issued annually to obtain feedback on their employee’s view of the organisation and its management. The results would then be shared with the global workforce.

I was commissioned to create the name and brand for the programme, marketing and communications launch campaign and provide a suite of digital assets for use in employee communications. The brief specified the final creative bare a family resemblance to the corporate AMC brand, be simple, clear, formal, intelligent and represent the employees’ voice and ownership.

The eventual brand name chosen was Viewpoint, a reference to the phrase ‘point of view’ or ‘POV’ in film and television, the raised i’s representing people - the employees.

Viewpoint logos
Viewpoint communications campaign
Viewpoint Presentation
Viewpoint Powerpoint Template
Viewpoint Manager’s Information Handbook
Viewpoint Document Template
Viewpoint Invitation Employee Desk Drop